The Vrittis: Smriti
The Bearded Naked Blog
Join Matt - The Bearded Naked Yogi for weekly musings about life, philosophy and how to apply to the teachings of Yoga
to our modern lives.
The Vrittis: Nidra
The Vrittis: Vikalpa
The Vrittis: Viparyaya
The Vrittis: Pramana
The Vrittis - Understanding The Nature Of The Mind
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Sahasrara
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Ajna
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Vishuddha
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Anahata
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Manipura
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Svadhisthana
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga - Muladhara
The Spiritual Anatomy of Yoga
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Samadhi
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Dhyana
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Dharana
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Pratyahara
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Pranayama
The Eight Limbs of Yoga - Asana